Polart Circle event on Brexit, Sciences Po Paris (France)

Transadmin/ January 23, 2019/ news

Jan. 23 2019. As part of Sciences Po Paris, Rue St Guillaume, 20 students and teachers from different universities and schools in the Paris region were invited to participate in an event as part of the European project Polart Circle. Sciences Po students participating in the Polart Circle collective project hosted a workshop on Brexit showing the documentary theater methodology

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Mooc S2 M12 E5 Minority language clips

Transadmin/ November 5, 2018/ MOOC S2 M12, No class

Mooc S2 M12 E5, Minority language clips from The Colonel, The Miller and The House for Sale and Kate. In these two clips from WeReallyWantToWinButWeDontWantToTryTooHard and Beside Ourselves we can see examples of how the choices that performers make define who and how they are. Performers are offered radical choices as to what they must do and/or how they must

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