Mooc S2 M12 E6 Catherine Bennett
Catherine Bennett talks about performing as a learner of a minority language and the freedom given to her to develop the language of movement within the multilingual performance
Catherine Bennett talks about performing as a learner of a minority language and the freedom given to her to develop the language of movement within the multilingual performance
Mooc S2 M12 E5, Minority language clips from The Colonel, The Miller and The House for Sale and Kate. In these two clips from WeReallyWantToWinButWeDontWantToTryTooHard and Beside Ourselves we can see examples of how the choices that performers make define who and how they are. Performers are offered radical choices as to what they must do and/or how they must
Questions to consider before watching the video: Do you think it is important to perform in minority languages? Why?
Mooc S2 M012 E3, Gavin Dudeney talks about the differences and challenges that result from devising in one mutual language and then moving on to perform in three different languages. Even though Catalan isn’t Gavin’s first language, he speaks it fluently. What extra pressures do you think a performer may feel as a non-native speaker of a minority language?
Georgie Bo Davies talks about what was difficult about performing in three languages. She also talks about how she overcame any difficulties and how she felt about performing in Welsh. Questions to consider before watching the video: What practical problems do you think could occur when devising and performing in a number of minority languages? How would you overcome these
Paul Davies talks about four principles to consider when working with translation: Remember that we translate every day Consider the atmosphere Find the primary scenes/concerns for the writer Worry less about the meaning