Polart Circle Event: Initiatives, tools & performing arts to increase participation: focus on healthcare – Brussels

Marion Pollet/ February 4, 2019/ Activities, news

On 4 February 2019, the Polart Circle project was presented in the conference room of the Thon Hotel EU in Brussels, at an event entitled “Initiatives, tools & performing arts to increase participation: focus on healthcare”, organised by Cittadinanzattiva.

With the support of the Active Citizenship Network, of which the Italian association is a member, and Media Partner – Advances in Health and Behavior, this day was an opportunity to present the project from the perspective of health in Europe.

After an introduction to the Polart Circle project and the Moocs that have been developed, rich exchanges took place with European and Italian actors on interactive citizen tools, patients’ rights and European health policies.




9:30 – 9:50 Welcome and introduction (the Polart Circle project, partners, aims, subject, communication)
Daniela Quaggia, Cittadinanzattiva – Active Citizenship Network

9:50 – 10:30 Moocs to explore political topics through performing arts (trainees experiment)
Sara Beltrami, APE-Associazione Progetto Endometriosi & Cittadinanzattiva

10:30 – 10:55 Youvote Eu Platform: politics, citizens, interactive tools
Priscilla Robledo, Project manager RIPARTEILFUTURO.IT

10:55 – 11:10 Questions & answers

11:10 – 11:40 European Patients’ Rights Day: civic electoral tribune
Bianca Ferraiolo, Active Citizenship Network

11:40 – 12:30 Patient & Civil Society Representatives Roundtable (open discussion)

12:30 -13:00 All Policies for a Healthy Europe
Presentation of the Manifesto “All Policies for a Healthy Europe”

13:00 Lunch

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